The classic cartoon character Mazinger Z was the main robot hero in the popular classic Japanese animation television show during the 1970’s created by Go Nagai. This was one of the original super robot series that later inspired several other series and toy lines. The popularity of this character is worldwide, especially in Spanish speaking countries. In 1984, Mazinger Z was introduced to English speaking television audiences in the United States as “Tranzor Z” and became a cult hit with American fans. Even though the violence and storyline were toned down for American children, critics still thought the show was too much for kids so the series did not last long in the United States. However Mazinger Z still has success as a popular toy line. Today, toy collectibles are still made based on this robot for avid collectors by popular Japanese toy companies such as Fewture, Revoltech and Bandai with their popular Soul of Chogokin toyline which produces high quality robots based on Mazinger Z and his most popular sidekicks such as Aphrodai A, Venus A, Mineva X, Diana Ace, and Boss Borot.